AxKxQxJx9x is the worst possible unpaired hand you can make, since your goal is to make a low hand. 2x2x5x4x3x ♨️ would be the next best hand after that.

5. Difference Between Perfect, Smooth and Rough in 2-7 Triple Draw

You will often ♨️ hear 2-7 Lowball Draw players refer to hands as either perfect, smooth or rough. But what do these terms mean?

If ♨️ someone announced 'Ten Perfect' this would be they held a 10x along with 5x4x3x2x, making it the best ten they ♨️ could make. The next best hand would be the worst nine. Similarly, if someone declared 'Nine Perfect' they would hold ♨️ the best possible nine 9x5x4x3x2x

This is usually used for any perfect hand apart from 7x5x4x3x2x where a player would declare ♨️ 'Wheel' or 'Number 1'.