Archers as the first snipers?

Most boys love to shoot slingshots, bows, air rifles, and most of all - a real 馃寽 military weapon. Sniper games will give you a great opportunity to practice your shooting skills from the coolest machine guns 馃寽 that only the best armies of the world have in service! The sniper game is the best entertainment for those 馃寽 who love a good battle. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of exciting fights, where you can fully show your fearlessness 馃寽 and bravery! One for all, and all for one! As soon as people started fighting, they immediately started trying to 馃寽 shoot. Therefore, shooters who could hit without a miss were valued very highly! After all, even during the rule of 馃寽 the Tatar-Mongol tribes in the armies of Genghis Khan, one Archer could finish off entire armies of enemy infantry - 馃寽 how can we not appreciate such productive soldiers? During the middle ages, weapons that hit rivals at a distance were 馃寽 considered a form of dishonest fighting. After all, the one who has a bow or crossbow could show a serious 馃寽 threat to the enemy, while remaining completely inaccessible to an enemy attack. However, the need to have a military advantage 馃寽 has always been stronger than the arguments dictated by the concepts of honesty. For a reason, when firearms appeared in 馃寽 the army, it was the soldiers armed with weapons that became the basis of the personal guard of kings and 馃寽 other high-ranking persons. Remember about Robin Hood, Legolas, or ...John Rambo?

What do you need to be a cool sniper?

We all 馃寽 know the story of the Musketeers, and many can even sing by heart the famous song "It's time - it's 馃寽 time - we'll be happy in our lifetime!.." But how many glorious stories about hand-to-hand fighters do you know? I 馃寽 bet you can't remember any of them right away unless you're specifically interested in the history of war. It is 馃寽 a pity, of course, that now it will not be possible to shoot from the weapons of those distant times. 馃寽 Shooting with a rifle was a real art, not comparable to shooting with a modern machine gun! But all the 馃寽 samples of genuine firearms used during the time of European monarchies have long been stored in Museum vaults, and none 馃寽 of them shoot. But do not worry, any computer game sniper contains a full range of firearms: from rarities to 馃寽 super-modern samples! A well-known fact: during the second world war, the highest awards were awarded for the heads of the 馃寽 most skillful snipers, not for commanders. With their ability to disguise themselves and perfect accuracy, the shooters could easily take 馃寽 down one enemy after another, but they were rarely caught. After all, tracking down where the shooting is taking place, 馃寽 and where the sniper is hiding, was a special art! Without any doubt, the Riflemen have always been and are 馃寽 still the elite of any army. Only special forces or paratroopers can compete with them in this, but these guys 馃寽 are valued much higher if they can shoot quickly and accurately.

Good, what do you have in our sniper games?