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Initial Difficulty The initial difficulty of 👏 transitioning from the streets to a prison cell is evident. Making this transition is already problematic in and of itself 👏 while factoring in the stress in finding out who is lying and who is telling the truth while getting used 👏 to not being on the streets for that length of time is very problematic for anyone. Not to mention having 👏 to adjust from physically fighting to defend yourself to having a prison mentality in terms of self preservation is something 👏 that you would never wish upon your worse enemy. The lifestyle transition from the streets to a controlled environment strips 👏 you from the normal independence you know and replaces it with a more militant form of living that one didn't 👏 choose. Autor comments that he cannot begin nor contemplate on how drastically different his lifestyle has changed and although he 👏 admits his lifestyle now is better he can't help but yearn for the life he used to know before going 👏 to prison and resent the harsh new realities of day to day routine. The harsh realities he points out are 👏 the guards, the food, and of course the sleeping quarters which makes this transition very understandably difficult for anyone trying 👏 to reform or just seeking parole. The mental anguish lead editor, writer, John H. highlights in his text reminds us 👏 of the reality that no one deserves a harsh awakening no matter how minuscule it may seem to the outside 👏 world. This small, microcosmic change he highlights remind us of the intricate dance called change that we all must endure 👏 each and every day of our lives because as our world constantly changes what we value and how were adjusting 👏 to change also constantly keeps evolving. It reminds us how vital daily stability is for our mental health and success. 👏 In this passage, he reveals that before his experience in juvenile Justice, he already knew life wasn't a walk in 👏 the park. But upon his arrival to prison and even after his release, it became even more apparent to him 👏 the lack of education doesn't get you very far. Education here clearly means worldly experience and knowledge of self, not 👏 academic knowledge because if that were the case then someone like myself would not completely agree with him. I know 👏 that though his writings imply he has realized the error of his ways in the world this has given him 👏 an "unelegant (unrefined) sense" of direction not really an ideal sense just one that pulls creativity through in his approach 👏 of dealing with life in a positive forward march towards progress and betterment for himself.