Um cambista, ou pessoa que realiza opera莽玫es de c芒mbio, pode ganhar dinheiro de diferentes formas. Essas pessoas geralmente trabalham em 1锔忊儯 kto como ganhar bancos ou outras institui莽玫es financeiras, where they help clients convert currencies. They buy currencies at one exchange rate and 1锔忊儯 sell them at a higher rate, making a profit from the difference. Some currency traders also speculate on future currency 1锔忊儯 movements, buying and selling currencies based on their predictions of exchange rate fluctuations. However, this type of trading is risky 1锔忊儯 and requires a deep understanding of the financial markets.

Outside of traditional financial institutions, some people also work as independent cambistas, 1锔忊儯 often called "black market" or "street" changers. These individuals usually operate in countries with strict currency exchange controls, where there 1锔忊儯 is a significant difference between the official and black market exchange rates. They buy currencies from travelers or businesses at 1锔忊儯 a lower rate and sell them at a higher rate, making a profit from the spread. However, this type of 1锔忊儯 activity is often illegal and can result in severe penalties.