, creates Basketball on December 21, 1891 (CBB, 2010).

Thus, this paper aimed to discuss and analyze some facts from the 🌧️ life of James Naismith, and how these are inter-linked with the historical process of creating the Basketball world.

After the notes 🌧️ made, it was found that sport created by James Naismith introduced in the United States and in Brazil two decades 🌧️ later by Augusto Shaw, characterized by collectivity and cooperation by the opposition, consisting of specific skills, whether continuous or intermittent, 🌧️ where teammates, opponents, limits of time and space determine unpredictability, making it one of the most dynamic and varied sports 🌧️ world (DE ROSE JUNIOR and TRICOL, 2005).

Naismith, um canadense radicado nos Estados Unidos, filho de John e Margaret Naismith, instrutor 🌧️ de esportes no S pringfield College, ao tentar resolver o problema que inviabilizava as aulas de Educação Física durante o 🌧️ inverno, na gélida região dos Grandes Lagos nos EUA; cria o Basquetebol em 21 de dezembro de 1891 (CBB, 2010).

Assim, 🌧️ o presente texto objetivou discutir e analisar alguns fatos da vida de James Naismith, e como esses se inter-relacionaram com 🌧️ o processo histórico de criação do Basquetebol no mundo.